Optimization of detonation point of a blast charge in order to minimize the Collateral Damage ensuring high Lethal effect on target in an urban scenario

Simone Gubbioni



Since last decades, many ground defense scenarios move from a battlefield to an urban warfare. This change of engagement landscape entails a new need of Army, Navy and Air Forces: to take into account the presence of civilian. Therefore they start asking to Defense Systems designers weapons which are able to maintaining high Lethal effects maintaining low the collateral effects. MBDA IT and EnginSoft in cooperation with MBDA UK developed a concept study to optimize blast effect in a building close to an open area where civilian are supposed to be. The activity, performed using modeFRONTIER coupled with an UK thermochemical code, points out where we should throw the charge to maximize the injury of personals inside the building minimizing at the same time the injury on close free field area.

The assessment was performed using different floor layout, several objective functions of rooms and constraints. Also interesting aspect of detonation and sensitive of blast output with respect to ignition point coordinates was pointed out, together with a RSM analysis.
